Latinas Deserve Better: Taking Action on Latina Equal Pay Day

Today, Latina Equal Pay Day, is a day that should be on everyone’s radar. Every year, Latinas have to work almost twice as long just to earn as much as their white male colleagues did the previous year. That’s right, it takes Latinas 22 months to earn what white men earn in just 12 months. It’s hard to believe that in this day and age, we’re still grappling with such a glaring pay disparity.

But let’s not just dwell on the problem. In this blog, we’ll explore why Latina Equal Pay Day matters and how Latinas can help tackle this issue head-on.

What is Latina Equal Pay Day and Why Does it Matter?

Latina Equal Pay Day is a stark reminder of the wage gap that continues to exist between Latinas and white, non-Hispanic men in the United States. The wage gap is staggering: according to Equal Pay Today, on average, Latinas earn just 52 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men, including part-time, seasonal, and migrant workers. For full-time, year-round workers, the gap is slightly better at 57 cents on the dollar. This disparity has serious consequences for Latinas and their families, who have less money to save for retirement, invest in education, or provide for their loved ones. Moreover, it perpetuates systemic inequality and discrimination against Latinas in the workplace.

The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this issue. Latinas have been hit hard by job losses and wage reductions during the pandemic. According to a report by UnidosUS, Latinas were overrepresented in industries that have been most affected by job losses, such as hospitality, retail, and healthcare. In addition, many Latinas work in jobs that cannot be done remotely, making them more vulnerable to exposure to COVID-19.

Given these challenges, it’s important to acknowledge the significant impact that the pandemic has had on Latina workers’ wages and job security. As we look towards recovery from this crisis, it’s crucial that we put policies in place to address these disparities and support Latina workers who have been disproportionately affected.

The following section outlines some specific ways that Latinas can can help address the wage gap:

1. Research Your Industry and Employer

Knowledge is power when it comes to closing the wage gap. Start by researching your industry and employer to understand the pay disparities that exist. Look up salary data for your job title on websites like Glassdoor or Payscale, or check out the 2024 Salary Guide From Robert Half and compare it to what you’re currently earning. If you find that you’re being underpaid, don’t be afraid to speak up and advocate for a raise. You can also talk to colleagues in your field to get a sense of what others are earning.

2. Negotiate Your Salary

Negotiating your salary is a critical step towards closing the wage gap. Come prepared with a list of your accomplishments and contributions to the company, as well as salary data for your industry and job title. Practice your negotiation skills with a friend or mentor to feel confident and prepared. Highlight the successful campaigns you’ve led or the revenue you’ve generated for the company – if you’re a marketing manager, for example.

3. Support Latina-Owned Businesses

Supporting Latina-owned businesses is not just about closing the wage gap – it’s about creating economic opportunities for Latinas and their families. Seek out Latina-owned businesses in your community and make a conscious effort to support them. Whether it’s shopping at a Latina-owned grocery store or restaurant, or hiring a Latina-owned business for a service you need, every dollar counts. Check out ALPFA Entrepreneurs’ Latinx Small Business Collection for a robust directory of outstanding small to midsize Latinx-owned businesses in the greater Boston area.

4. Advocate for Policy Change

Advocating for policy change is essential to address the wage gap. Supporting legislation that promotes equal pay, such as the Paycheck Fairness Act, is critical to creating long-term change. Contact your elected officials, attend rallies, and use your voice to advocate for policy change. Write to your senator or representative to express your support for the Paycheck Fairness Act, or attend a rally in your community to show your support for equal pay.

5. Become a Mentor or Sponsor

Mentorship and sponsorship are vital tools in closing the wage gap for Latinas, and you can make a difference by becoming a mentor or sponsor yourself. Look for opportunities to support other Latinas in your industry, and use your experience and expertise to help guide them in their career paths. Attend networking events to connect with professionals who may be looking for mentorship or sponsorship, and consider starting a formal mentoring program at your workplace, or join ALPFA Boston’s Coaching & Mentoring Program.

As a mentor or sponsor, you can help others build confidence, gain new skills, and open doors to new opportunities that may not have been available otherwise. By investing in the development of others, you can contribute to a more equitable workplace for all. Encourage your employer to implement mentorship and sponsorship programs to support Latina employees, and share your own experiences as a mentor or sponsor with others to inspire them to do the same.

In conclusion, Latina Equal Pay Day serves as a powerful reminder of the work that still needs to be done to achieve wage equality for all. By taking proactive steps such as researching our industry and employer, negotiating our salary, and supporting Latina-owned businesses, we can help close the wage gap and create a more just and equitable society. Let us continue to advocate for policy change and seek out mentors and sponsors who can help us achieve our goals.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that all Latinas are paid fairly and equitably for their work.

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